
Teenagers make dumb decisions

Bramble ♡

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-24-2024, 02:08 AM

Although she was still incensed and discouraged by what she considered a lack of courage to act on their father's behalf, Ember loved and respected her sister enough to be attentive and listen while Bramble was speaking to her. It sounded like Bramble was equally as frustrated with how things were transpiring and unfolding for the Hallows and for Ardent as a whole too, but she was doing a much better job at hiding her turbulent emotions than Ember was. Perhaps that was just her living up to her namesake though—the fiery spirit that dwelled within Ember demanded justice. From the sound of things, Bram shared a lot of that same fire. Em found herself looking up at her taller sister with a mixture of surprise and admiration as she admitted to feeling a righteous fury at the alphas' meeting and wanting to go march the Hallows to tear the Syndicate apart. She saw Bram's jaw clench, her fur bristling. YES! Yes, this is what Ember had been trying to get across to someone—anyone!

But as Bramble continued to share her thoughts and feelings, the more Em realized that her sister was still trying to talk her down. Ember's ears slid back against her head as she listened while Bram explained how the Hallows had to maintain its tenets, not to be judge, jury, and executioner to those that deserved it. That wasn't their duty. But being able to share their influence with other packs and wolves was. Their father relied on them to help keep the Hallows strong and maintain its good reputation in Ardent. If she went to go start a war willy-nilly, how would that reflect on them? Morally it was the right move, but it would be a tactical nightmare. A war was fought in councils and meetings as much as it was on a battlefield. They could get packs to rally to them, to build alliances so when the day came to stand up to the Syndicate, their foes would face an army rather than a singular foe. It made sense to Em, but the ambitious side of her didn't want to wait to see justice done and evil smote.

Ember looked up to Bramble to respond—and was struck silent when she realized where they were. They were standing at Hearthstone's gates, right on the edge of the courtyard. Bramble had led her to the gate, a silent support of her reckless mission. Ember didn't know how to respond at first. She just gazed out at the Starlit Plains, realizing just what one step out that gate would mean. Bramble spoke; she had one season to do as she needed, and if she didn't hear from her, she'd assume she was dead. That singular sentence struck a blow at Ember's heart more than anything else had. With ears still folded back, Em turned back to Bramble and threw her forelegs around her sister's neck in a tight embrace, clinging to her and burying her face in Bram's chest. The support and love of her sister had broken through the anger that had driven her to this decision, and though it hadn't swayed her completely, it had given her enough to think about to reassess what she was going to do.

"Iti multumesc, Brammie. Te iubesc," Ember said softly, voice muffled by her sister's fur while she tried not to cry. Drawing back to look up into her sister's bright turquoise eyes, Ember's own oceanic blues burned with a dedication and a promise. "I won't go near their borders. I'll see what I can from a safe distance and I won't engage with any of them. I'll be back in a week. Sister promise." Ember was going to go see what the Syndicate was really about. She wanted to see what the monsters had done to the north and bring back something actionable for their father to use to rally others to their cause. But more importantly, she was going to come back because she had made this promise to Bramble. With one last nuzzle to Bram's chest and neck, Em separated herself from her sister and turned towards the gates. With a deep breath, Ember headed out and turned due north, Nocturne floating through the air after her to accompany her on her journey. All she needed was a little peek, then she'd be back home.

"Ember Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. Teenagers make dumb decisions Amron's Castle 08:42 PM, 05-16-2024 12:36 AM, 07-03-2024