
I'll just be over here...




Advanced Fighter (60)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-24-2024, 03:15 AM
Hallvarðr hadn’t known what to expect from the Hallows’ bonfire event when the girl from the southern pack had invited them, but his older half-brother had been dead keen to bring them all down as a good showing from Hemlock. So here he was, a viking boy very out of place at this party, trying to blend in and look like he sort of belonged even if he was a mountain heathen from the north. His brother and sister had gone off on their own to find their own trouble, so Hal was left to watch the ensuing posturing from the adults he didn’t know. Oh good, it looked like a fight was about to break out! Watching from across the bonfire with eager blue eyes and a toothy grin, Hal hoped that someone might die here. It wasn’t a successful party unless some blood was offered to Odin!

While he sat from the sidelines, watching and daydreaming about the day he might get to partake in such brawls, the tall and lanky almost-yearling was pulled from his excited spectating by a voice at his side. Glancing down, Hal took in the young girl who had come up to him. She was just slightly shorter than him by a few inches, looking well into her adolescence. She was a lithe and pretty thing, with dark charcoal fur and deep sapphire blue eyes. Hallvarðr was still a touch too young to feel the call of his viking blood when he looked at her, but he couldn’t deny that she was nice to look at.

The girl’s words confused him though. A mess? Nobody had bled yet and everything was still so clean. "Not yet. I’m waiting for someone to throw the first punch," Hal remarked with a wide grin. Such a boy response. The girl introduced herself as Wynter and Hal found himself quite taken with her name. He liked winter as a season, so maybe he’d like this girl too. "Hallvarðr. Hal is good too." He knew most wolves off the mountain couldn’t even attempt to pronounce his name. He didn’t expect her to be any different. She invited him to get some food with her and now Hal was interested in more than just the fight. "Sure." Maybe they’d have some mead he could pilfer too! Hey, it wasn’t like the Vikings had kept alcohol away from their children.

Víðarr and Tenshi may enter any of Hallvarðr's threads while he is under 2 years old.

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1. I'll just be over here... The Starlit Plains 09:10 PM, 06-16-2024 09:40 PM, 09-02-2024