


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-24-2024, 04:36 AM

Modesty offered Sagittarius a smile as she asked what the plan for the day was. She would wait for the other children to be within earshot before declaring "Today we will be learning how to make tea."

She chucked at Pythia's question, "Some yes, some no." She wouldn't lie to a child that probably had a heightened sense of taste due to her lack of sight.

The addition of a brown floppy eared pup almost went unnoticed until he mentioned his name and her brows pinched before she shrugged it off. "Welcome, Bancha, do your parents know where you are or should I send a bird to tell them?" While her own pups had always had a tendency to wander, the last thing she needed was another combative pack breathing down their necks, and she'd rather be safe than sorry. Gesturing to Moo to send out word regardless of what the child said and ignoring Gilda's brash questioning, she turned her attention back to the tools of their lesson.

"Some of these ingredients are medicinal, others are just here because they smell and taste good. To make a tea, we warm the water and then steep our leaves to add the flavour. " She made measured and precise movements, demonstrating for the children before pouring them out each a portion of hot water into a slightly more sturdy tortoise shell, rather than a fine porcelain cup. "Please don't spill, it, it will burn you, and then this will be a different lesson entirely." She tried to lace some humour in her tone, but that wasn't enough to offset the genuine concern.

Modesty gestured to the bowls that were laid out. Start by sniffing and guessing what is in the ones you want to use. I'll let you know if you were right and whether they have medicinal properties or not, and if they are safe, then you can make your own tea and give it a try." She moved to assist Pythia to sort through the ingredients, so she wouldn't waste her time cataloguing the same scent more than once, unless she wanted to.
