
Something to carry inside


12-12-2013, 06:00 PM

Blatant despair was not written so easily in his face, so boredom was not uncommon within him. From his jaws dripped red blood onto the snow from the rabbit he had, even if he gained no pleasure from this, it would keep him moving around. Despite being dead without a heart, he seemed to need to fill his stomach, and body full of food and liquids. It amazed him with however he had to fuel this walking corpse in every way possible. His teeth dug into the flesh uninterested as it filled his stomach. Once he was done 'feeling' full he left the rest off the rabbit out in the snow. The winter was crisp and he didn't blend in very well with his odd mesh of gray colors and markings. Orange eyes would suddenly turn on the pines to watch an injured sparrow fall to the ground. Something he would be more connected to rather than any of the living who wandered around here.
Paws dragged him forward, feeling none of the cold, but watching his own cloud of breath fall into the air. The small sparrow twitched around with a broken wing, as he spectated it, not moving it one inch as he waited for it to die. Perhaps it would raise up like he had. The heartless beggar could not fathom any of this. Fathom how he could be a king among millions because of the slightest tint of a second life he was granted without the feelings that he had once craved. However his emotions were still thwarted here and there, sexual desires remained the same as any. There were one thing than another that confused him, but he never even bothered to understand in the first place.
The sparrow soon only gave a final breath, screaming out as he took two steps back. One of his dark gray ears flicking, as he seemed like a curious pup starring at a dead bird any logical wolf would come across him and think he was insane. Though perhaps he was, but that was because of the disease that plagued his head. The constant threat of having his slightly immortal life lifted from the royal veins that no longer pumped blood with the missing cavity of his heart. Tilting his head back up as he noticed how the little dead friend of his would not be coming back. So instead, he picked it up by his jaws and set it near the rabbit it would make food for the other creatures in this forest.
The male sat down in the snow with a large thump moving the white stuff around. Softly he listened to the crunching noise that it gave off. Something he loved when he had been living of the sorts with his sister. The woman who had stabbed him in the back, tore out his heart. Leaving him in a state of un-being, of unremembered and regretting remembering everything about her. His white tipped tail curled around his back paws as he gave a soft hummmm, just to throw his thoughts off of his sister.
