
who goes there?




Beginner Hunter (0)

Advanced Fighter (110)

1 Year
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-24-2024, 09:22 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2024, 09:22 PM by Styrmir. Edited 1 time in total.)
a growl pulls from his throat at her presumption. though the patterns she traces on his skin threaten to distract him, he manages, “you’ll fight me regardless, girl. i owe you nothing.” and yet, he can’t deny that he wants her to know it, wants to hear her wrap her lips around every syllable. wants his name in her mouth. he fits his mouth to her ear just as she’s pulling away, his breath stirring the fur there. “it’s Styrmir. Styrmir Trygg.” he fixes her with an expectant look. “and what mortal name have they attached to you, demon?” for that is surely what she is; a demoness wearing the skin of a girl. he can see it behind her eyes, otherworldly wrongness.

loyalty. it’s both surprising and not, simultaneously. Styrmir tilts his head, examining her with that fierce blue stare. ’tread lightly, boy,’ the voice pipes up. she’s been unusually silent throughout this encounter, and it’s almost a relief to hear her now. ’she aims to make you her creature.’ Styrmir sinks his claws into the dirt. “loyalty is a precious commodity, earned over time. i doubt you’re capable of inspiring it.” he can’t quite pin his desires down, too young to fully give them credence, but they prickle beneath his skin all the same. she certainly inspires something within him, but his only experience with loyalty stems from his devotion to his siblings, and that feels nothing like this.

he stills as her breath ghosts over his ear, lips curling as his heart quickens in his chest. are you ready to see just how dark things can get? he whirls on her, brows lowered in a severe line. “do your worst.” Styrmir is moving before he’s made a conscious choice to do so, a snarl splitting the air as he aims to knock her over and pin her to the ground. should he succeed, he’d put a paw to her throat, firm but not heavy enough to crush.

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1. who goes there? Serpent Plains 06:50 AM, 04-19-2024 05:57 AM, 08-21-2024