
I hear the ticking of the clock.



Master Intellectual (250)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
06-25-2024, 07:27 AM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2024, 07:33 AM by Identification. Edited 5 times in total.)
Happened after this thread.

This was a necessary task that had been looming for some time. Erebos had made it clear. However, the idea of not being able to see him was unbearable. She hung her head in silence, wishing he would accompany her, but knowing he had greater aspirations. The damsel respected him and his decisions.

She cautiously approached the rim of the canyon, recalling the battle she had with the majestic golden mountain lion in that very spot, a fight she wanted no part of. Despite this, she cherished the memory as a token of her own hidden inner strength. As she reached the water, another towering mountain of stone rose before her.

As the woman continued forward, she realized it wasn't a mountain but rather a peak with sharp points. She was curious to explore further, but knew she didn't have time. Her ears were perked to the side as she gazed towards Erebos, wondering why the sight was so haunting. Despite the lush green grass around the edges, questions flooded the woman's mind.

She kept moving, avoiding certain areas. Swallet Ring was up ahead, visible in the distance. Night began to fall, with stars starting to appear in the sky. She listened to the water gently lapping against the shore. Fic glanced at Erebos, wondering if he also needed to rest. Letting out a yawn, she found a cozy spot to rest, seeking shelter from any potential outsiders.

She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep, but a light rest would suffice. The woman couldn't recall how long they had been walking, but it felt like an eternity until they finally stumbled upon a hidden thicket within Swallet Ring. With one eye open, she watched as the stars twinkled and shone above Auster and the world. Another day had passed, bringing another night.

The night passed by too quickly as she gave Erebos a kiss before they had to eat. Fish wouldn't be the best meal, but it was better than nothing. She cautiously entered the water, hoping he would remain asleep. Snagging a fish quickly, she returned to shore, bit its head to prevent movement. She repeated this process multiple times, almost a dozen.

Upon her return, Erebos observed her closely. It would be a satisfying meal before embarking on a journey through dry, barren lands and desolate wastelands. She felt a chill at the thought of the next lands she would have to traverse, following the scent of Eltrys and Saga.

Saga the bear appeared friendly, as did Eltrys the Ranger of Polaris. Perhaps Erebos was correct in saying that Polaris was the safest place for her. She focused on the fish, eating two and giving the rest to Erebos, who needed more food. Despite his offer for her to eat more, she politely declined. They both agreed to continue on their journey. The pair didn't waste no more time. Agreeing it was time to continue on.

As the sun started to ascend, she realized she hadn't slept well, but it was enough to keep going. She felt frustrated that she couldn't just be with him, but she understood why. Her paw pads quietly carried her through the desolate grove, where the trees provided little protection from the elements. The ground was not too hot on her paws, so the pair pressed on.

The boneyard was the one place that filled her with fear, a desolate wasteland of bones and skeletons strewn around haphazardly. Avoiding their gaze was impossible. However, Talyssa's words reminded her that some had been here for years, perhaps even centuries, long before the wolves claimed this place as their own.

As she walked, her paws lightly touched a scattering of bones, causing her shoulders to twitch. Some bones felt smooth, while others were rough, and a few still had remnants of flesh and fur clinging to them. Vultures circled above, pecking at the bones and spreading their wings to make themselves seem larger. Unbeknownst to her, the boneyard slowly transformed into a softer landscape.

She was drawn to a gentle babbling creek, where she stooped to drink and satisfy her thirst. As she lapped at the water, her tail wagged with joy. The scents of Eltrys and Saga lingered near the edges of the territory, along with others. Glancing at Erebos, she moved closer to him, not daring to speak or call out to the others. She longed for him to stay by her side, Allowing him to call out, if he wished.


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1. I hear the ticking of the clock. Cattail Creek 07:27 AM, 06-25-2024 10:52 PM, 09-07-2024