
Rebel used Splash! It was super effective!




Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
06-25-2024, 06:02 PM

Coming down to visit the Hallows for their bonfire festival had been exactly what he and Venom needed, especially when it came with the much added benefit of getting to reconnect with their daughter and see how she had been faring in the southern dwelling pack. There had been much catching up over food and wine during the bonfire, and the following morning Maverick had awoken early to spend more time with his little girl, though she was not so little anymore. He left Venom asleep in their guest room to sleep off the effects of last night especially since the Kleins were nocturnal by nature. That was okay; it left him more time to catch up with his only daughter, and boy howdy, was he a girl dad for sure!

Both Klein wolves headed down to the beach for a morning jog to start their day, and while Maverick was also more used to a nocturnal schedule thanks to his beloved, he wouldn't mind shaking up his routine to hang out with Rebel. Her stories brought a fatherly smile to the sire wolf's face, happy to hear of all the fun she had so far and the friends she had made in the Hallows. It seemed like she was really setting her own path and thriving, and it made Maverick both happy and a little melancholy. He missed the days of living in Ashen when they were pups, when things were easy and all he had to worry about was throwing them too far into the lake. As if reading his mind, Rebel chimed in recalling how he used to do exactly that. It brought a roguish smile to Maverick's face, shooting a cheeky grin at his daughter. "How could I forget? That was my favorite pastime when you and your siblings were little loaves," he teased her back. What fun times those had been... Although now he did not think he'd be able to throw his dire sized daughter anywhere.

Following Rebel's path out toward the water so the lapping surf could tickle their toes, Mav took a moment to just appreciate how much his child had grown. She was a fully grown adult wolf now, mature-ish and living her own life. It still astonished Maverick that he'd actually made it as a father and had not fucked up his pups' lives royally. With that gentle smile still on his face, the brute blinked and met his doppelgänger daughter's challenging grin when she claimed he could not throw her in the water now. Well, no, she was absolutely right about that, but it did not mean he was not going to try! Rebel assumed her fighting stance just ahead of him, squaring up in the sand to challenge him to a beach brawl. Mav's teal eyes lit up with a daring playfulness. Oh, she wanted to go, did she?

"All right, little missy, if you wanna get dunked so bad, try to take on your old man!" Grinning from ear to ear, Maverick assumed his fighting stance, paws spread, muscles tensed. Then he lunged forward, barreling right for Rebel to throw his entire weight against her, chest to chest, much like a sumo wrestler. They were similar in height, so his goal was simple: use his greater muscles and weight to throw her off balance and dunk her in the sea.

WC: 563
Total: 877 / 1500


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.