



5 Years
Extra large
12-12-2013, 05:26 PM

The parasite would be quick to reprimand him for what appeared to be hasty assumptions. But Taurig cared not whether what he thought of the Ice King was true or not. It's how he saw the pale brute and he was in his right to think and feel whatever he felt like. You know that is not what I wanted; your wrongs will not be equalled until my Queen is brought to me dead or alive. For a moment a bout of uncertainty would bloom in the Re's chest, making his frame tense with anticipation. Would Isardis refuse his proposition because Argent hadn't shown her face to him?

I will take your trade on one condition: If you see hide and a hair of Argent, or the life that you claim spoils her womb, they are to be escorted to me directly, or warned of their where-abouts. I leave no more room for transactions; if I hear she was ever anywhere near you or your people, be it her bones or beating heart, and you have not made the efforts to warn me, I will continue to make your life a living hell; and your lover will be no more. An inaudible sigh of relief would slip past his tensed jaws as the parasite's words filtered through his ears. He was taking the deal, as long as Argent had nothing to do with him any longer. That wasn't going to be a problem. Then I hereby relinquish the throne of Tortuga over to you. And if I ever catch sight of your queen, I will escort her to you myself. I have no problem cutting her out of my life. She clearly belongs to you and my children growing in her womb will be your grandchildren that you may rise as you so wish. If they seek me out I will not turn them away as my children, but I will never actively seek them out. Do as you wish with Tortuga. Maija will be coming home with me now. He would wait, listening for the sound paw steps that would indicate Maija coming to his side, wondering if there was anything else Isardis wanted to add before the titan took his leave with his family.
