
Toxins In My Blood




Beginner Healer (0)

Master Hunter (240)

3 Years
06-26-2024, 05:59 AM
Something about this man intrigued her. Since the beginning when their eyes clashed. She found herself to be utterly trapped by a building curiosity. Questions with no answers plagued a wandering mind. Yet, she did not use this opportunity to express them aloud. Releasing them from their mental entrapment. Only choosing to reveal herself from the looming shadows to which she’d hid.

Dainty, soft paws pressed ever so lightly. The softest crunch of snow beneath them barely heard if one were not close enough to hear. Hips swung from side to side in a teasing manner. Every step calculated and precise. As if she were hunting this beast of a male. Allowing those eclipsed crimson eyes to take in every single inch of his frame. His shoulders alone proved strong enough to hold perched legs. The heavy smell of herbs driving Melanth wild. To the point she nearly pushed Helonia from the driver’s seat.

Distance no longer mattered in that moment. As it became nonexistent within seconds of her pending exposure. Ears curved to find his voice dripping in sweet honey. The clash against the deep baritone sent waves of fiery pleasure through her. "A mission, perhaps." Helonia ceased her journey to come any closer. There was but only a small space between them now. She could smell him even more now. The pungent scent drawing drool to linger just behind closed lips. "And you are my target."

Hel could feel Mel coming to front. Though she was here for her and her alone. The devilish serpent knew what herbs did to her main counterpart. It was why they worked so well together. Whilst she enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. Melanth preferred to gather and experiment on various plants. So to say she was the only one well aroused by this male would have been an obvious lie.
