
Monsters In Broad Daylight


12-12-2013, 06:21 PM

The boy would continue to defend his home, attempting to look intimidating, a growl would rumble from his throat, spitting words at her. Haunches would slide to the earth, a soft chuckle vibrating her bodice. Her crown would tilt to the left ever so slightly, eyes bright with wicked amusement. Did he really think he could make her leave? She could squish him easily! Her snarl would fade, turning once more into a twisted grin.

"Are you going to make me?" Words would taunt the smaller boy, her tail curling around her. The dark girl would take a moment to rake her gaze over the boy. His vibrant eyes contested with his russet pelt, his haunches were blanketed in white with spots. He was weird looking. The only other pups she had seen where Senka and Sora, they were gray like her. He was different.

Despite that he had so brazenly confronted her, the larger girl had taken an interest in him. Eyes would narrow minutely, assessing him carefully. Would momma be upset if she brought this boy home? No, probably not. But wouldn't it be more fun to show up at his home, taunt him, lure him out into the open, to suck him into her world? She was certain that this boy would become part of her life. Much to his misfortunate.

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