
Something to carry inside


12-12-2013, 06:22 PM

A dark wolf entered her home, and dared make a kill of her prey. Scaling the trunk of a tree, she waited in a low branch for the wolf to walk underneath. Soon the time was right, and she landed upon the lupine with the fury of a Queen who's kingdom was being threatened. Blood and gore flew everywhere, bones crunched and snapped, and soon a steaming carcass was all there was. It was unrecognizable as anything, and all the tawny monster did was piss on it and walk away.

Oh how the beast wished that she could make that wish come true, but obviously that wouldn't happen. Not unless the cat had a deathwish the dogs that overpopulated the land would gladly carry out.

A wolf of strange markings dared to enter her clearly marked territory, and kill a hare within her markings. A growl of annoyance left her maw, but nothing more because it was, nevertheless, just a hare. Watching it boredly scuffle about with the snow, the tawny beast decided to play a little game with the lupine. Leaping through the boughs of the mighty redwoods, she soon managed to reach the branches above the wolf. "What are you doing in my forest, mutt?" She growled from high above it, glaring straight at the dog with pale golden optics that could burn out the light in your very soul. Resting perfectly balanced upon her haunches, long tail would flick in irritation as she waited for the canine's reason for invading her home.

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