
if i get too fucked up, promise you'll hold me down

korona - fighting seasonal winter 20


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
06-26-2024, 07:50 PM
Calliope is not the nicest sibling. Well, she's not the worst, but she's also not fond of puppies. Their teeth are sharp, their barks are high pitched, and they were persistent. No matter what she did, it was like one of them was always following her. Plus, there was... nine? Nine of them always willing to tag along. No wonder she was spending most of her time out in her treehouse along the estuary's shore. Tonight was different, kind of.

She had been wandering back toward her mother's treehouse when she'd come across the most Modesty-looking pup, Korona. Compared to the others, Korona happened to be quite a bit more rambunctious. Confident? Reminded her of herself honestly when she was a pup. Not that she was even a full grown adult either, but besides the point! Calliope came across Korona who was unfortunately for her not up to anything - good or bad. So instead of continuing on up into the treehouse to convene with their mother, Calliope offers to take Korona out for a little adventure through the ravine.

"Ever gone out to the Fjord?" Calliope questions, a devious smirk lingering on her pale lips as she leads the colorful patchwork pup through the worn path of the ravine. Long and dark shadows fall across them, covering what little sun was left as it dipped behind the horizon, shrouding them within the oncoming night. Guided by the full moon and cloudless sky, Calliope doesn't falter, but continues. If they made it out of the ravine to the fjord, they would have a good look at the all stars. Maybe Korona would like to see them.

They near the edge of the territory when Calliope begins to feel as if they're being watched. Her fur stands on end, pastel eyes flickering back and forth, trying to sense where exactly the entity was coming from. She can't shake the feeling and unexpectedly steps protectively toward her sister. "You feel that?" She whispers to Korona, continuing their walk, but staying vigilant in case a predator were to pop out and try to snag the pup.

word count 352 / 1500

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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Thread Forum From To
1. if i get too fucked up, promise you'll hold me down Cryer's Ravine 07:50 PM, 06-26-2024 12:36 AM, 07-03-2024