
Piranha in Floaties


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Navigator (105)

06-26-2024, 08:03 PM (This post was last modified: 06-26-2024, 08:03 PM by Araxina. Edited 1 time in total.)

She aimed for his soft stomach but he twisted himself away telling her not to start fights she couldn't finish.
She growled harshly, which came out cutely, and yelled, "I will if I wanna!" at him, and rounded on him to continue her onslaught. Her fur was matted and slick against her body, and she hated the feeling of the sticky sand touching her skin. She was panting and she was not willing to show him she was tired.

As she tried to charge again he let a massive wave bowl her over! She sputtered and coughed as she scrambled against the onslaught of seawater, pausing her charge against him. She shook her fur and her ears and coughed again. Completely oblivious to how her father started to growl and lom over her. Just as her vision started to clear and her nose started to clear as well, she wailed as he launched himself at her, easily pinning her beneath him. She used her back legs to try and kick at his chin but she was growing weaker by the second. Puppies still needed a lot of sleep as they grew, and she was no different.

She panted and scrambled and writhed. Her matching golden eyes still flashed with defiance at him, even half-lidded, blinking slowly and her chest heaving with effort and fatigue. One white hind foot hooked over one of his arms and tensed to scratch him. But her body gave up and she couldn't remain awake any longer. Her foot slipped and it made her eyes open briefly as she fell limp.

She scrambled against him for another half moment, fighting him and fighting the nap. Then she was out. Thoroughly defeated by both her father and her need for rest.

1476 / 1500

[Image: zUYDI4G.gif] .: Rated M Character :.[Image: zUYDI4G.gif]
[Image: etOHomx.png]

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1. Piranha in Floaties Hermit's Cove 08:48 AM, 06-26-2024 10:02 AM, 06-28-2024