
Luke 1:34 Mary said to the angel, “How will this happen since I am a virgin?”



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An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

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Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-27-2024, 10:06 AM

"Don't make me leave again."

The words rebounded in her head over and over until it felt like they were crawling up the inside of her skull. It was an almost physical sensation, a little needling pressure at the base of her ears she couldn't shake. Theory wanted to cry when she'd said it, but she'd pushed it down. No, she would never make her leave again. Nor would she abandon her side. The best she could do now was prove it, which she'd done by gluing herself to Thalia's flank the entire time they'd attended the festival. They'd been so close their fur was holding a static charge. Whenever she stepped away, even an inch, every bit of her reached out to every bit of Thalia, pulled taught by the ends of her fur. Theory was filled with the notion that yes, this was correct. As if the universe was clicking into place. Even the colors seemed brighter than they had before.

Theory walked shoulder-to-shoulder with Thalia away from the bonfire. Her skin was prickling now just like her head, synapses firing down the length of her spine that made her shiver. They'd polished off the bottle Theory had brought across the Bifrost together, taking the last sip just as Artorias had lit the pyre. The flames had been so bright she'd looked away, burying her face in Thalia's fur and inhaling deeply. This was real. This time, it would last.

Now they were retreating from the main crowd, still raucous with merriment. Shouts and cries and singing followed their exit, and Theory chose to retreat what other visitors had murmured was "God's Garden." What better place to spend time alone with her own personal goddess?

Blurry bodies peeled off one by one from the procession of wolves seeking respite from the crush of the crowd. Theory noted them, and the trails of brilliant color they left in their wake. Every step they took seemed to glow. Her body grew warmer now, even for the balmy summer night. She was burning up from the inside. Theory took a steadying breath, leaning for a moment on Thalia before continuing and selecting a quiet spot among the stone foundations surrounded by night-blooming jasmine. The scent went straight to her head, delicious and dizzying. Strangers passed by their hideaway occasionally, but Theory only had eyes for the wolf tucked by her side. She used the crumbling rock wall to brace herself as she slowly laid down, panting just a little. "Here, lay with me," she murmured.
