
It's bloody work, but someone's gotta do it




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
06-27-2024, 11:53 AM
Back when the pack was still under Kotori's rule he had expanded and built out a storage cellar of sorts, picking a fairly large burrow he had found near the rapids as his starting place. He vaguely remembered from his very early days growing up in the Armada that his grandfather had built something similar and it had worked out well for storing the meats that he wasn't planning on using right away. He had dug it long and tall enough over time to install shelves along one wall for storage and hooks on the other for things that were drying and aging. It was nice and cool in there, especially now during the winter. Even though the pack was under new management now he didn't see any reason to stop contributing to the pack or to stop keeping his cellar fully stocked. Besides, it gave him something to do and he did enjoy hunting.

He had spent the morning tracking a herd of mule deer and despite the fact that he had only been planning to snag one of the slower does from the group he realized that the buck had some kind of injury, possibly from a fight with another buck, and that had slowed the deer down enough that he'd been able to take the large animal down on his own. It had been a pain in the ass to carry back home, but now he had it out in the clearing near the cellar and he was carefully skinning and breaking down his kill, pulling various knives and tools from a small workshop like area he had built out next to the cellar entrance. His forelegs and parts of his muzzle were bloodied from the work, but that was just part of the process that he was used to. The pelt was cut off and laid out to be cleaned up and treated and the guts had all been removed so he sat back to take a break with a sigh, grabbing a towel to start cleaning off his face and forelegs.

"Arcturus Indarra"