
Something to carry inside


12-12-2013, 06:54 PM

Not that he was a big minder in the first place, it was a fact that he had never seen a cat in his life not even an average house cat so as it stood the scent to him was just another animal that could have been prey. In which he was so not interested in hunting it nearly disgusted him in doing so, but his stomach would yell at him and he needed to feed it. His paws shifted under him as he heard the purring of something. His ears moved down then up once more, orange optics finding the source. Yet the gaze of hers held no antic over the dead, she was a living he was disconnected from such things as that. The snow kept no feeling over the dead as the heartless man stood on his feet. Tail becoming outstretched, orange orbs surrounded by white spots on his fur as they scanned over the creature. What was she then? The odd gray male dropped his head, silent as he turned his head over to the kills that were in the snow a half eaten rabbit and the dead sparrow.
Then he stood back, it was best not to mess with a creature like that even if he did want to know what it was. Tail swinging back and forth as he made himself seem as none threatening as possible. He was not afraid, he never feared anything since his apathetic state stayed as it would. Feeling no need for this, he let a soft growl escape his throat, a soft rumble nearly mimicking a purr. As his body stopped moving backwards his eyes shifted towards the way out. If she wanted him to leave he would, he didn't care about any of this, as curious as he was, he never fathomed why the living cared about the dead being on their lands so much.
