
[ MIDDY ] Runnin' on the weekend


12-12-2013, 07:17 PM

The sands of the black beach spread for what seemed like miles, and Aislin matched in perfectly. Only her flaming orange eyes stood out from the sand. The color itself alone brought others in and stunned them with their bright color and at night they almost seemed like they were glowing. To Aislin, her eyes matched her personality though she was a chaotic neutral to dark. She was simply floating in between at the moment, but as time went on, Aislin began floating more to the dark side. To her, she used the world to satisfy her own needs and her own desires, even if she had to use a pack to do so. So long as the price was right, she would serve. If there was no equal exchange, there was no interest.

The winds whipped by and the freezing temperature mixed with the salt air made the wind that much colder and biting. As it whipped by, Aislin hissed in response and her white teeth came out from hiding. The lips wrinkled against her muzzle at the bitter opinion of the wind. Looking to her left where the sea came crashing in, she watched the wild waves as they roared at her with their hoarse voices. Snorting at them in response. Aislin looked to her right up near the shore and higher ground to see if there was anything protective at all to keep her from freezing her ass off.

Nearby were some trees that would at least break the wind. Moving her self from standing still into a trot, Aislin made her way up the obsidian beach dunes to the place where the trees began to grow and slipped herself inside of the grove. Immediately the sounds, smells, and even the wind were nearly silent as the sounds were deafened and absorbed by the trees, and it was comforting on her ears. Aislin let out a quick sigh of relief The orange eyes were hidden temporarily by eye lids as she sighed, but shortly revealed themselves a second later. Aislin took this second to look around her surroundings and see if anyone else was hiding out. Aislin remained quiet, her breathing was slowed, as she slowly moved forward.

The trees were tall and lanky, and nearly bare thanks to the winter and the snow that had spread around, minus this location. The only problem with this location was that it was damn cold. If it weren't so cold, Aislin would be more inclined to check this place out. Perhaps if she found a hole or something and warmed up for a bit, she would change her mind.

"441 words. Shorter than what I was expecting."