
Something to carry inside


12-12-2013, 07:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2013, 07:24 PM by Ubivat.)

His soft rumble was far from a challenge, so her screech made him confused. He tilted his head off to one side, like a cat, like something that didn't understand. He felt nothing of a threat, but this body would not last if he simply threw it out. Even if his nerves no longer worked, there was also the words that left her may. Death wish? "Kak nechto mertvoye , umeret' snova?" His vocals stretched over, quietly in a husk. Deathly quiet as it seemed, apathetic without feeling without fear. A paw stayed into the snow, as he patted it, he clawed it up into a pile before flopping into it. Crawling over onto his back, trying to get her to come down so that he could get a bigger look at her. Though she didn't seem to understand, he didn't expect the living to understand him anyway. So hopping up he ran straight to under where she was and raised his face up to look at her tail, so long.
"What use is it to kill a dead body?" He asked sitting there. Vocals again quiet, as the dead one made a soft huff of the air he didn't need to breath but his body did it anyway. An empty cavity where his heart would have been had been ripped out at the seems. He gave another soft coo, "I was not challenging." He wasn't. He honestly hated speaking, he wanted to know what she was, but he wanted to leave her territory at the same time. He had no desire in the place. He had finished eating, eating, such a stupid habit. Why did this body need it?
