
not a grocery store rotisserie chicken to be found

hunting seasonal



Master Hunter (250)

Master Navigator (245)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-27-2024, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2024, 06:45 PM by Wilder. Edited 1 time in total.)
His ears press forward, listening to her as she stands, tail decisively swishing behind her. Honestly, he's impressed by her demeanor. So confident and sure of herself for someone who he had just met. A commendable personality. And when she pauses, Wilder's bright red gaze turns toward the geyser to witness it erupting on beat to her timing. Color him impressed!

Plus, the plan was straight forward. Go around to the far side, wait for her mark, then charge in to get the flock moving. Wilder nods, confirming that he understand what she's putting down. "I ain't got these long legs for no reason," he replies, smile widening. "I'll head on over now and wait fer yer mark," Wilder gives her another confirming nod before he turns on his heels.

Making his way around the outskirts of the pools, staying quiet so that he goes unnoticed, it doesn't take him long to reach the target. Settling into a racing position, his gaze darts from the girl to the birds to the geyser. Watching the fowl and the water, he can feel the anticipation begin to build. Now came the fun part!

Allowing the anticipation to rise within in, eyes eager on the target, Wilder doesn't hesitate. As soon as the geyser bursts, he takes off like a race horse through the gates. His paws barely touch the ground as he careens toward the birds, helping the girl direct them toward the steamy hot water that shoots up toward the sky. There's enough of the fowl that they're able to direct quite a few to their untimely deaths. The scent of burnt feathers and cooked meat singe his nostrils as he dives in to snag a couple of them and dart back out.

Once at a safe distance and reconvened with the mastermind, Wilder drops them at her paws. Ensuring they are quickly dispatched with the pressure of a paw on their necks, he gives her a wide smile. "We don't make a half bad team," Wilder muses, letting his tongue roll out to pant away the built up heat from the geyser.

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1. not a grocery store rotisserie chicken to be found Devil's Spout 02:48 PM, 06-16-2024 12:25 AM, 07-14-2024