
yuck, muck, and bad luck

fight training (professor bonus)


Raiders Hollow

Expert Fighter (210)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf

Snake EyesOoh La La
06-27-2024, 11:16 PM
Korona felt her fur prickle with amusement as Corsair tugged on one of her quills in greeting. His attempt at a playful challenge was met with a quick nip at his ear as he batted at her face. Serves him right.

As he rolled away and found his feet again, she padded over to stand beside him, her stance relaxed but attentive, her eyes shifting from her brother to her father, and to Gilda sitting on his toes. Her tail, or where it would have been, wiggled in anticipation as she waited for direction, her eagerness to prove herself palpable in the air.

Korona’s eyes lit up with a mixture of excitement and determination as she listened to her father’s instructions. She couldn’t help but give Corsair a playful nudge with her shoulder in the middle of the lesson though.

Her attention then shifted to Urtur, the wolverine looking as grumpy as ever. A mischievous grin spread across her face. “Looks like we're gonna have to work together on this one.” She said, glancing at Corsair and then at Gilda. “Let's show Dad what we've got!”

She watched Gilgamesh demonstrate the techniques, studying his movements carefully. Lowering her body and shifting her paws slightly outward, she tried to mimic his stance. The mud squelched beneath her paws, threatening to throw her off balance, but she steadied herself, muscles coiled and ready as they could be. She was trying to get a feel for the motions.

When Gilgamesh gave the signal, Korona sprang into action, her mind racing. She circled to the side, aiming to find an opening with a skid-stop, while keeping her eyes on Urtur’s every move. But something unexpected happened, one of her rear paws found purchase on something - a stone maybe. “Cor! Gilly!” She called out, her voice strong and confident even while her fore paws slid around.

With a bark, the girl lunged forward, aiming to distract Urtur and create an opening for her siblings. She snapped at the wolverine's face, her dire-puppy paws swiping at it’s shoulders as the rest of her body slid directly into the wolverines chest.