
Generational Trauma


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (110)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf
06-28-2024, 07:31 AM

With every footfall, the powdery snow under Xairo's paws gave a satisfying crunch, echoing through the silent expanse of Polar Sound. His breath misted in the chilly afternoon air of late winter, his large expressive green eyes taking in the vastness of his surroundings. From here, he could see the distant silhouettes of the sheer rock faces, dominating the horizon like ancient sentinels. The cliffs of the valley almost glowed beneath the wan sunlight, their stark grandeur contrasted by the lush green lichens and grass that coated the valley floor.

He paused on the incline leading down into the valley, his young heart pounding with a mix of trepidation and excitement. The distinctive scent of the sea wafted up from the incised canyon, mingling with the sharper, earthier fragrance of the taiga. Xairo's ears pricked forward at the sound of the cascading waterfalls, their music a soothing hum in the stillness of the afternoon. He tilted his head, curious about the resonance that made this place so unique.

As he descended further into the valley, Xairo’s gaze was drawn towards the ocean inlet, its surface shimmering like liquid silver under the pale winter sun. Seals bobbed in and out of the water near the shore, their calls rising above the soft murmur of the waves. He watched them for a long time- their sleek bodies disappearing and reappearing in the icy waters with a grace that belied their clumsy movements on land.

Suddenly, he caught sight of a whale breaching in the distance, its massive form momentarily suspended in midair before crashing back into the water, sending a frothy spray high into the sky. Xairo's heart pounded with exhilaration at the spectacle, his green eyes wide and bright with youthful wonder. The fear of insignificance lurked in his mind often, but in this moment he felt a part of something larger, something more profound than his usual competitive pursuits with his brothers and sisters. It was a weird feeling, to say the least.

"Xairo Saxe"