
Life Among The Dead



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-28-2024, 01:55 PM
Cerberus may have been able to tell Mariah wasn't exactly happy in the way she responded. Certainly wasn't jumping with joy to say her life was this magnificent thing. He wouldn't say his was that way either, but he had hoped to see her a little more lively than she was. He wasn't one to prod though. If there was something to say, he was open to the other to talk to him and on their own accord. He couldn't help that bit of twinge in his heart due the her reaction though.

He kept his eyes, all his attention on her as she laid down beside him and asked about himself and his pack. "We've been good." He commented genuinely, though the easy we rather than I. Cerberus wasn't quite sure where he wanted to be in his life at this very moment. But he was at least content with where he was. As long as he had Scylla and Albion, and Ruse, he could look on the brighter side. "It's a lot of my brothers and sisters, some I haven't seen in a while. We are looking to expand soon." Political talk almost, felt a little strange. Like a conversation of weather or something of the sort. He could almost tell that the longing, the tension between them was physical. He was too naive to think that Mariah had their last encounter heavy on her mind when she looked at him, he just wasn't so eager to jump forward. He was happy just being friends with her, in any way it was between them, benefits and all that. He didn't have any guidelines. "Mariah," He spoke softly, reaching out a large paw to place gently overtop of her own, eyes staying locked on her face. "You can tell me anything you feel you need too, I promise you it's safe and judgement free here." Just like he was for Avacyn. But he gave her the floor to talk about what was on her mind, about him or other things. And she had the opportunity to smother it as well. Again, he wasn't one to prod.

"Cerberus Kline"