
Close Your Eyes



12-12-2013, 08:31 PM

There was a lot on the man's mind. The fact that all of the additives lately had only added to the stress of his missing daughter had played a number on his mind. The destruction that befell Vixe was part of the chaos brewing in his mind. No, Collision would never fully go dark, but fact of the matter remained--he needed to let them know that his love for them was remarkable and something that was never to be tested. 'Zalea would never learn of quite his degree of animosity, if he had things his way (which often didn't happen), instead he wanted to focus on making her realize that even though her children had been conceived in the worst of ways they were still hers and they could still grow to be proper young blessings. His eyes fell from her gaze and he wished for a moment he knew what to say. He did.

The man slightly rose from the ground and moved to the side of his daughter attempting to pull her head into the breadth of his chest. bigger than her mother--but still a fraction of his size he could practically feel every cold feeling free from him at the sight of her, "You shouldn't be," His voice was soft; fatherly, and it held a wave of emotion he wasn't particular on sharing with just anyone, "I have a story to tell you," And perhaps he could already hear an internal groan--likely that of a teenager who could feel an oncoming lecture, but this wasn't the tone Collision was using, it was something softer and more personal.

"Near the same thing happened to your mother," had that ever been divulged to Aza? Likely not; it wasn't something Soleil would talk about and it wasn't particularly something he wanted to be known for. Ripping the throat out of a boy, but alas, that was the first time Collision had ever spilt blood, and it had been for the one he loved and it had been so fast, "We were in a different place; the original Valhalla, when it was first named. I was about...12 seasons (3 years old) and I had known your mother for about a year. She ever tell you how I found her? Or I guess she found me..Regardless, she was so innocent and sweet and open to the world and I just wanted to protect her. She was beautiful and intelligent and everything I could have desired. She was perfection and I wouldn't have traded her for anything. A male--I don't know his name-- crossed the borders and attacked your mother. She's not really the fighting type, in case you hadn't noticed. He...tried to hurt her," Collision's meaning was clear, "Now, she didn't have the repercussions that you did, but there were still effects. That was the first time I had ever killed anyone. At age three I spilt blood for the first time," A sigh drafted from his lips and he looked downward, "If you don't understand what I'm trying to get at--I don't care how anyone else in this world looks at you. It only matters how I look at you. And there is one thing I would trade your mother for--You. Azalea. You and your siblings. Granted, I'd throw my life down before hers was ever requested, but we are parents. You are our life,"