
Abraxas/Destruction babies (sorta) - 2 litters!



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
06-28-2024, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2024, 03:46 AM by Skelle. Edited 11 times in total.)
Name: Poe (short for Poesy. Will be registered as Poesy and won't mind be called that by close family and friends as a 'nickname' more or less, but he'll introduce himself to strangers as Poe

Mom: prefer theory for cursed chances, but overall I'm not real picky.

Alignment: Born as neutral and will develop ic, tho may say neutral

Skills: Healing x Intellect

Gender: male (born female)

Appearance: monochrome by fox. I could be swayed to use this design instead, with blue eyes instead of yellow.
Height - potentially up to 41, if chosen I'll see what I can afford at acceptance. Light build.
Blessed Mutation - Blue Crystal Claws (offense)
Cursed Mutation - Crystals in and/or around the uterus and ovaries, preventing 99% of pregnancies.

Personality: Not a traditional personality, i know, but please reference the character traits for a more straight forward approach.
- Child: inquisitive, helpful, compassionate, dreamer, playful, giggly,
- Adult
-- Pre Pregnancy: depressed, insomniac, a little crazy, self loathing, obsessed, snappy, sensitive
-- During/Post Pregnancy: sick during but happier overall, seemingly back to normal, fiercely protective, tired eyes

The first couple of years are easy for you, filled with happiness, joy, and the innocence only a child could have. The harshness of the world, the unfairness of life, hasn't harmed you yet. That is a good thing though, for a child should not have to suffer with the weight of how cruel the world is, or worse, how cruel one can be to themself.

Your days of youth are spent playing, learning, exploring, and loving life. You believe in your religion, that you are a g o d among mortals, but you are not conceited and you do not ride upon a high horse. You are taught well your place in this world above the others, but you are also taught compassion and kindness. Too bad you can't treat yourself the way you were taught to treat others.

As months turn into years, you bury yourself in your studies absolutely desperate to find an answer, a cure, a fucking reason why. You are a stain on the Abraxas name, or so you believe, far from divine. You hide it well at first though, but only can for so long. The exhaustion and the frustration and the lack of self worth will get to you, and you will crack, break, shatter into pieces that you are certain can't be put back together.

Plans: Poe will believe that he is infertile due to skipping heat cycles, trying and consistently failing to get pregnant, etc. He will hate himself for it, and although he does not feel female and he isn't a biological male, he believes that he is not divine and is unworthy of the Abraxas name. He will become a very dark and depressed character during this time, going crazy trying every fertility treatment he can find. Eventually he will have a very small litter (one or two pups tops), but it will be his only biological litter and while he will survive the pregnancy and childbirth, it will be touch-and-go icly. Becoming pregnant will absolutely turn him around, believing that his own litter is divine. In regards to the band/pack, he would be happy to join, but he will not feel like he is worthy of any sort of rank higher than slave during his early adult years.

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥