
what's a girl to do



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
06-28-2024, 04:37 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2024, 04:38 PM by Asphodel. Edited 1 time in total.)

There was no telling how loud the crack had been - but it seemed the night had stilled the moment the sound echoed through the air. His heart rate increased, and the idea of her skin crawling at the unknown brought an odd sense of... satisfaction. He enjoyed playing these games with her, but even more? He enjoyed knowing he would win.

She had a lot to learn about her new Husband.

From his position, he could finally see her through the thicket vegetation. The slight tremble in her legs - causing his ears to perk up. Good. Let her be scared, nervous, terrified... whatever she felt, he could solve. She would learn just how powerful his presence was, and how important he should be to her... her salvation, and currently the only one who wanted her. Even her family sold her off to the highest bidder for their safety.

And yet, he wouldn't do it peacefully. He wanted to prove a point to her, one she would carry throughout their marriage; you do not run.

Seconds ticked by, and his legs began to move, large paws stepping over the ground as he closed the distance from her left side. Muscles tightened, prepared to pounce and tackle his bride to the ground, but something stopped him. A feeling, eerie as the fur on his spine rose - skin crawling.

He was not the only predator out tonight.

Anger caused his jaw to snap shut, an audible noise that followed with his swift movement of pushing out from his hiding spot. He attempted to advance at her swiftly, features hard, jaws splaying in a quick attempt to latch them around her tender scruff at the back of her neck. The growl leaving his throat was his attempt to signal her to silence - at least until he was sure she wouldn't run again and he could explain their new situation.

That a third player had entered their little game.
