

Xairo - Fighting Seasonal Winter Year 20


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

Extra large
06-28-2024, 05:16 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2024, 05:17 PM by Ludovic. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ludovic's heart pounded, the thud of it echoing in his ears like a war drum. The sight of the predatory fox, teeth bared and eyes alight with hunger, made the hair along his spine bristle. He met Xairo's gaze, seeing the same determination reflected back at him. His younger brother's question hung in the frosty air, and Ludo knew they had no time to hesitate.

“Yes,” Ludovic replied, his voice a low growl. “Together.”

With a swift nod, he signaled to Xairo, their quick understanding solidifying their sibling bond. Ludovic's mismatched eyes never left the fox, every muscle in his body coiled like a snake, ready to unleash the pent-up energy within young limbs. He knew they couldn't afford to wait, couldn't afford to let the fox get the upper hand. Foxes were smart, their mother had said once. You have to be smarter, or faster.

“On my mark,” Ludo whispered, his breath forming white clouds in the freezing air. “Three...!”

They moved as one, a blur of monochrome and crimson and cerulean, charging toward the fox with a unified ferocity. Ludovic aimed low, intending to unbalance the creature and give Xairo an opening to strike. The world around them seemed to slow, each heartbeat stretching into an eternity as they closed the distance.

The fox snarled, its killer instincts kicking in as it readied to counter their attack. But Ludovic and Xairo had the advantage of coordination and shared resolution. As Ludovic barreled into the fox's side, feeling the impact jolt through his strong bones, he saw Xairo dart in from the opposite direction, his stubby horns aiming for the vulnerable underbelly.

The fox yelped in surprise, its legs scrabbling for purchase on the snowy ground. Ludovic felt the burn of its claws against his flank but didn't falter. His brother's determination was a harsh force beside him, and together, they were an unstoppable tide. Though pups they were, they were all the more confident by the shrill caws of ravens above their heads, repeatedly calling their flock master forth to protect her brood. Some ravens even ventured to drop low, talons grasping at the flesh of the fox, beaks primed to nip and pull at its fur as they attempted to drive it off of the children.

total wc; 1616

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