
Abraxas/Destruction babies (sorta) - 2 litters!


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
06-28-2024, 05:41 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2024, 11:56 AM by Bunni. Edited 1 time in total.)

Name: Sonnet or Thrasher
Mom: No preference!
Gender: Female
Appearance: dis one
(I kind of want her to be the smaller sibling of the bunch, but not *super small* more in the medium range - so subject to change)

A wide chest holds steady a delicately carved facial structure. Each line finely shaped to present the world her. Large, rounded eyes nestle into her face, ready to drink in life and reality around her. All of her femininity is drawn up to those eyes, those cheeks, that slender muzzle, but beneath those lips are sharp teeth ready to strike. For though she may be beauty above her shoulders, the rest will take after her mother, Thalia. Her stocky bone structure will travel from that wide chest to strong shoulders to a well-rounded hind end and thick legs. Speed may not be on her side, but she makes up for it in other aspects of her features.

Height: 28-30"
Size: Small or Medium
Build: Heavy
Mutations: N/A unless I receive a cursed baby <3

She will be unapologetically opinionated. If there is something she believes in (whether it be Abraxas or anything else), she will fight tooth and nail to prove her point. Some call it stubbornness, others call it determination. A bit headstrong and thick skulled, she will dive into life head first. Wonderfully imaginative, she will also be intelligent, observant, and reserved. Only in the most heated of moments will one truly know the fire that burns deep within her.

The girl will take her time with conversations, listening to everyone's piece, each side of the story, before drawing conclusions. Though not entirely neutral, she is also not exactly one way or the other. Reality is extremely grey to her and as long as the logic logics, she probably won't have a problem with it. She will have a strong sense of self that will at times open her up to being snipped at, but she won't try to take things personally (though she undoubtedly will). All she wants is to be good, to be perfect for those around her. She'll be hard on herself, but don't worry, those are just tears of hard work, not a broken heart.

When it comes to those in her life, she will be severely protective. Her family is her everything and anyone who stands in her fucking way will get pulverized. Though she's not the biggest, baddest bitch around, she does have cunning and wit to back her up. A sharp tongue may get her into trouble, but it will always get her siblings out of it too. To her, everyone is good until proven guilty. Highly empathetic, open, and understanding, she wishes for the best for everyone and won't turn her back on you until she's been bit too many times. Enough will be enough and she will make sure they know it.

Depending on her interactions in life, she might lean toward being motherly or she might not. Depending on which mother she connects with best will be the determining factor how willing she is to settle down and have pups of her own. Love won't come easily, she won't be so willing to let anyone in. She'd much rather watch those around her fulfill their lives than she her own.

Skills: Fighting / ??

Plans: I would love for her to follow along in her sibling's pawsteps and join the band/pack in the name of Abraxas! Otherwise, go with the flow. You know me, I enjoy chaos so I'm sure to find some trouble somewhere. (: She'll definitely be a ride or die though so not likely to ever stray from the band/pack and will insist that her siblings approve of a spouse if she were to ever find one.
last note: only coding bc its easier for my eyes to track not as wide lines of text
am not coding it to try and gain favoritism over other apps <3