
what's a girl to do



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
06-28-2024, 06:21 PM
Sylenei Nereus

His grasp on her was tight enough to prevent escape, uncomfortable, but not quite as aggressive as she might have expected from him. The spot was tender, but he didn’t seem to want to crush her beneath him just yet. All of her senses were now tuned into him, the firmness of his hold, the tension in his muscles, the tone of his voice. Exactly how angry was he, and how willing was he to unleash that wrath on her?

A mild jab about her not being quick enough had not been the reply she expected. He sounded disapproving rather than angry though, and before she could launch a retort of her own he was hushing and releasing her. He was not the only threat present. She spotted the feline just as he pointed it out to her.

She heard him speaking just above her, but she was tuned into the mountain lion now. Exhausted she may be, but her survival was on the line in more ways than one and running was the farthest thing from her mind. As much as she would have preferred to have not been found by her husband, she was grateful to have some extra bulk at her back and even more grateful for the opportunity to show him exactly what kind of wife he’d bought for himself.

Ignoring his defense posturing over her, she shot out from under him, charging straight for the opponent without a word of warning. She lunged for its back legs, landing a swift nip before darting away and taking the cats attention with her. Hopefully Asphodel would take advantage of the opening she had created for him, but if she had to run this show solo then she would.

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