
if i get too fucked up, promise you'll hold me down

korona - fighting seasonal winter 20


Raiders Hollow

Expert Fighter (180)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf

Snake EyesOoh La La
06-28-2024, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2024, 07:35 PM by Korona. Edited 1 time in total.)
Korona's heart pounded with excitement and fear as she noticed the fox darting towards her. Calliope's words echoed in her ears, urging her to take action. Her eyes locked onto the beady amber eyes of the predator, and she felt a surge of emotion rip free from her jaws. A snarl, as powerful as she might be one day.

Without hesitating, Korona squared her shoulders and bared her teeth, trying to make herself look bigger and more intimidating. Her mind raced, recalling the lessons, recalling what she had observed from her elders. Instincts took over, and she crouched low, ready to pounce. If she had a tail, it would have been lashing, instead her quills bristled and stood on end.

“Okay, Callie, I got this.” She whispered to herself, more for reassurance than anything else.

As the fox paused, confused by Calliope's lack of intervention, Korona seized the moment. She lunged forward with all the strength her young body could muster, aiming for the fox's throat. Her movements were not yet as refined as her older sister's, but they were filled with determination nonetheless.

The fox snarled and snapped, trying to defend itself, but Korona's youthful energy and bulk gave her an edge over its emaciated form. She bit down hard, feeling the fox's thin, wiry fur and the sharp tang of blood in her mouth. The fox struggled, but the little Kraken held on, using her weight to pin it down. It scrabbled at the ground, snapping its jaws at her shoulder; succeeding in a bite which drew a whine from Kor’s clenched jaws, but she shook and dislodged the pathetic attempt with ease.

“I won’t be beaten by a mangy mutt!” She growled through clenched teeth, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and exhilaration.

Calliope's presence gave her strength, knowing that her sister was watching, eager to prove herself here and now. Her young muscles burned with the exertion, but the galactic coated pup was made of stardust and power, ambers burning bright like the sun. The struggle was brief but intense, and soon, the fox's movements slowed, then ceased altogether. Korona released her grip, panting heavily, her body trembling with the adrenaline rush.

She looked up at Calliope, her eyes wide with a mix of pride and relief. “I did it, Callie! I really did it!” She exclaimed, her voice breaking with emotion.

Korona's chest heaved as she caught her breath, her fur still bristling. She felt a wave of pride wash over her and a newfound sense of confidence. She had faced a real threat and emerged victorious, all with her sister by her side. It was a moment she would never forget, a step towards becoming the brave and confident wolf she aspired to be.

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1. if i get too fucked up, promise you'll hold me down Cryer's Ravine 07:50 PM, 06-26-2024 12:36 AM, 07-03-2024