
Like a ripple to the shore


12-12-2013, 10:29 PM
As the cream woman spoke and introduced herself as Novella she nodded in a form of greeting and recognition. "A very interesting name. Quite pretty." Though it was a complement, or at least her attempt at one it came off in a matter of fact way. As Novella spoke to the pup Isabella turned her eyes on the pup as well. The other woman did not seem a threat at the moment and cold as she was Isabella was not heartless. She was worried for the young one out all alone.

A pup who had a mother and brother away from her, for who knows how long and who did not know her father. The pup looked healthy enough so she was either with her family recently or knew how to hunt. Still, she could no simply guess one or the other and let a pup starve. "I am glad it is warm as well. It is a shame none of us know why the water is so warm but maybe the Ocean has something to do with it." Her words were for both of them so she looked at both while she spoke. She paused, thinking over the words and how they could be confusing. "The Spirit of the Ocean I mean, I have looked to her all my life. All water is connected in way way or another, even if just by rain. I have even heard a wolf state that all life came from water once. Oh excuse me, I am rambling."

Not one for conversation that was a lot for her so she paused looking at the pup. "What is your name, if I may ask? Do you have a warm place of your own to stay, or a pack? You seem very healthy so does that mean you know how to hunt?" The words were no different from before but there was a sort of softness in her eyes when she addressed the pup.