
Abraxas/Destruction babies (sorta) - 2 litters!


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
06-28-2024, 09:17 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2024, 06:42 PM by Virgil. Edited 2 times in total.)
Name: Goetia Dantalion Abraxas-Destruction (would probably rearrange any of these into a first/middle name situation tbh)
Mom: not picky! I fully intend for both moms to be loved for their inherent differences, rather than picking a favourite!
Gender: AMAB, transitioning to nonbinary with age/development

Build: Radiant glory, a masterfully crafted entity which oozes dominion and draws the awe of simpering mortals. The godling houses the collective power forged in generations of war, conquest, and subjugation. Their body ripples with flat, steely musculature, barely contained by the constraints of mortal flesh. Their imposing figure towers 41" tall, A weapon to be utilized, a creation of pure divine wrath with which to subjugate the weak. An embodiment of the vagaries of the spirit enshrined in muscle and sinew. Perfectly encapsulating the undefinable in-between of brawn and slightness, where a svelte figure has been adorned with chiseled muscle and tendon. Goetia is beautiful in all ways that a creature can be beautiful. Bulk concentrated over the joints of shoulder and thigh, powering strong limbs that stretch for miles with each graceful stride. Sturdy hips with solid waist to match, flowing into a soft, plush tail that has been cropped unusually short from the very start.

Coat: Painted in muted evocations of volcanic eruptions, Goetia is a fascinating treat for the eyes. Clad predominantly in hues of charcoal and onyx from head to toe, over which russet and old blood have adorned the godling's mortal shell. These sweeping brushstroke markings stretch the length of each limb, creating a ruddy barrier between alabaster stockings and kohl-dark fur. Extending from the spine like war-torn wings hanging limp against heaving flanks, and a warrior's cowl over their face. Strokes of russet radiate outwards from the points of their shoulders akin to petals of a bloom turning its face up towards the sun.

A few spots of ivory stand out against this otherwise darkened pelage; the underside of their short tail bleached to bone white to match their pale stockings on forelegs and delicate ankle-socks on hind paws. The backs of strong thighs and shapely rump have been painted in ivory to match the tail, mimicking the rump of a fleeing doe. A small, rounded patch on the breast as though indicating the purity of the heart that beats within. Upon the godling's features, thin strokes of alabaster underline each brilliant eye and adorn the points of expressive brows, accompanied by miniscule streaks along the underside of the ocular cavity akin to downturned lashes of a weeping divinity.

Eyes: pale, desaturated blue. Not unlike the remnants of a melting glacier, the vestiges of an ancient marvel wasting beneath the unrelenting rays of summer sun. Split along the horizontal axis, lower half painted in hues of muted gold. Framed by offensively long lashes, an affront to the very soul in their evocation of venusian rapture. And yet so often devoid of any emotion beyond disdain, contempt. A lofty gaze which so many are desperate to feel turned upon their face.

Voice: a rarity that the lyrical hymns might caress the auds of another. Goetia speaks in a sonorous voice that defies expectations imposed by their physical form. Often whisper soft, lacking the gravelly undertones of masculinity. They speak in quiet tones, and there is a strange lilt to their speech that could have developed from disuse, or from absorbing a wide variety of accents and affects from others. Their laugh is euphoria incarnate, a raucous affair that mirrors the crack of thunder in the distance.

Scent: wreathed in strange perfumes of miscellaneous herbs and woodsmoke, with top notes that vary in accordance with the seasons and their latest travels. Goetia anoints themselves regularly with oils in order to ward off bad spirits, pests, or clinging moisture that might affect the skin. Generally, the combinations of herbs tend to leave a sharp or spicy aroma. Mint, sage, cinnamon, peppercorns, cedar and sandalwoods, and the like.

Stance & Gait: Goetia moves in shadow and with careful steps, quiet and cautious. An unseen, unheard spectre in the night. Thus, their bearing is one of sloping shoulders and low slung body, inhabiting the peripheries. When forced out into the open, they appear as a fish out of water. The boldness and confidence found in crowded undergrowth or shaded vale is forgone in favour of a stoic, imposing stance that magnifies their stature. Confidence is sewn by looking down their nose at others, reducing them in both size and significance in order to maintain their nerve.

Quirks & Mutations: The aforementioned tail nub is easily their most distinguishing characteristic- an inherited trait that makes their body language no less expressive. The ivory painted tuft of silky fluff tends to flag up behind them, less of an expression of dominance than it is a reflexive gesture.

Optional: Some variety of curse placed upon them, Goetia was born with strange digits. Their claws, unlike most canines, can be retracted up and away from the ground. Which is a valuable asset, when those claws are constructed of fire opal and make significantly more noise upon the terrain than keratin.

Personality: Lawful Neutral
Stern: first and foremost, they are a painfully no-nonsense individual. Even in youth, a creature of unrivalled stoicism. Goetia easily masters the expression of neutrality that conveys a condescending sort of judgement in the right lighting. They are not one to be easily roused to laughter, or even crack a smile unprompted. Bordering on apathetic, they view the world with the type of keen, appraising eye that many shy away from meeting. All business and very little pleasure, Goetia always seems to be considering what the next move is, how best to utilize the resources at their disposal. Even in moments where they are otherwise content, at peace, their serenity is not readily visible upon their features.

Devoted: there is a yawning pit in their chest that screams for love. An aching chasm that can never be filled, no matter how much they struggle. Goetia is a sword and a shield to be wielded by those they love, without question or complaint. They are an instrument of servitude, and will throw themselves against an endless tide of threats to protect their family. Their mothers' words are law, taken and enacted without a shred of doubt or argument.

Blunt: mincing words is a waste of time, and sparing someone else's feelings is considered on a case by case basis. More often than not, they would rather get the point across as simply and succinctly as possible. Sometimes this results in slight emotional damage inflicted upon the victim of their painfully to-the-point statements. This, of course, isn't intentional. Goetia views their direct manner of speaking as a type of mercy, which spares the feeling of shame or embarrassment that would follow if others found out that they had been tip-toeing around things like feelings, social niceties, and the like.

Pragmatic: Goetia is a smart cookie, and considers their options well before making decisions. When they speak, it is well thought-out, and carefully crafted. Not a word out of place, nor a response unconsidered. Similarly, they are quite adept at navigating the difficulties of complex situations- despite the borderline impolite manner in which they tend to address these situations. Despite their potentially crass nature, this makes them a trusted advisor within their inner circle, and a frequent confidant for their friends and family.

Steadfast: certainly not stubborn, no- not in the slightest. Goetia tends to plant their feet and requires an unreasonable amount of effort to sway. By extension, their reserves of patience are seemingly endless. Capable of withstanding most tirades and verbal assaults without so much as raising an eyebrow. Similarly, their loyalty is unshakeable. Once someone has worked through the stony facades that guard their core, Goetia would gladly throw themselves upon the sword for their friends. This makes them a perfect guardian, happy to devote themselves to protecting the disadvantaged and weak.

Composed: tranquil, unruffled, stoic. To their credit, Goetia is always poised. Calm in the face of disaster, a beacon of serenity in times of uncertainty. The type of figure that would appear at the head of a council, taking in all manner of opinion and argument as advisement before delivering the final decisions. A face and voice of reason at all times, never once showing a crack in their perfectly placid mask.

Plans: skills = healing & hunting
something along the lines of: feel some type of way about the divine feminine their moms keep referencing >> clearly am not a boy >> ????? >> ah, I am somewhere in the middle and also something else entirely. This is good. >> profit.
Also be some kind of ominous golem that appears in times of need to offer wisdom, but that wisdom might hurt your feelings for 0.5 seconds cause they ain't gonna be using any flowery words or sugarcoating things. Mommy said to love others, but didn't say you had to be nice to them. Or maybe she did. Might have missed that part.