
Spark of the Divine



12-13-2013, 03:12 AM

It struck Maija odd that this ivory stranger was relaxed and didn't seem to show any guard to her as a person. She wasn't used to this behavior outside of Tortuga's members, so coming across this female who was nice was like a splash of cold water across her face. Maija didn't voice this to Alena, though, but merely kept it in her mind. An ear remained perked to listen for Tidus's form, but he was out scouting to her far right, and that was what she needed to know. Paranoia that raced in her mind slightly died down at his presence.
Alena spoke of being away from the pack -- just which pack was she a part of? Then she mentioned pups -- she was a mother, too? Gosh, this woman had it all, it seemed. Maija knew better than to automatically assume, so she didn't. Her mind remained open as Alena then introduced herself and which pack she was in. was a familiar name, but Maija didn't know too much about it.
It was then that Alena asked her of Tortuga and Maija curtly nodded. "I am," she said, icy green eyes continuing to rove over Alena's facial features. She wasn't sure if she was in the company of a wolf she could trust. What if Amenti wanted to use the information she gave to Alena against her home? Golden haunches reclined to the frostbitten ground and her tail elegantly curled around her paws. Maybe it was the nice aura that seemed to shine from the purple eyes of the female, but Maija decided that on this cold and crispy day, she could reveal a bit of herself, too. "I'm the Regina of Tortuga, Maija Artenie." Her eyes met Alena's and she blinked once with her icy stare sill strong. "I thought Amenti was located in the far North," she honestly said. It was the best way for her to start a conversation, especially when she wasn't used to being the one beginning it.
