




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
06-28-2024, 11:15 PM

Juniper had not been expecting the visceral reaction that came from Arcturus the moment she mentioned sleeping around as his way of getting over his breakup. She recoiled back a bit from the sputtering brute as he choked on his own laughter, concern in her mint green eyes while she looked at him and wondered if he was about to need CPR. Jeez, she hadn't been expecting that sort of response! He stammered out a jumbled response, clearly too taken aback by her bluntness to know what to say or do. "Uhh... you're welcome?" she replied, equally as surprised by him as he had been by her. Sex had always been such an open and nonchalant topic for her free-love type parents, so it still surprised her that there were wolves who didn't embrace their sexualities and freedoms so readily. It was almost second nature to June.

When Arcturus eventually admitted that he had no idea where to even begin, it was then that Juniper began to realize the scope of what he was saying. He was inexperienced when it came to picking up girls or having noncommittal relations with them. Just how long had he been with this girlfriend that dumped him? He asked, a bit trepidatious, if she really thought faes would want to just have sex with him and if it was normal for faes to want to hook up with brutes casually. Juniper gave a bit of a snorting laugh and cast Arc an incredulous smirk. "Uh, yeah? Sex feels good and is a lot of fun, isn't it? Who doesn't wanna feel good and have fun?" She assumed he wasn't a virgin at least and would know the basics about fucking and pleasure, but maybe he was far more innocent than she thought. "Okay, yeah, not every fae is into casual stuff like that. Some want whole relationships before they put out, but don't think that's the rule for all of us. Some of us just reeeeeally like getting off, and we can have casual sex just as easily as you brutes can." Juniper shot Arc a grin and batted her paw against his, looking cute as a button while she giggled at her own comment.

"It sounds to me like maybe you need a self-confidence booster, Arc. So let's boost your confidence up, big boy!" Turning in place so she could face him directly, Juniper sat up straight and curled her tail around her, smiling up at him as her mint eyes held his sapphire ones. "You can practice on me. Go ahead, try hitting on me! Flirt, schmooze, seduce me. Just relax and have fun with it, and maybe you'll end up having even more fun later." Giving him another toothy grin, June waited to see what the big golden brute was capable of when it came to his charisma. And she'd play along with him to help jump start his confidence and ego, and soon enough he'd be plowing faes like no tomorrow!

"Juniper of the Sea"