
It's bloody work, but someone's gotta do it




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
06-28-2024, 11:20 PM
He was just lifting the rag to his face when a voice behind him made his gray ears perk with surprise, turning to see Scylla watching him from the entrance of the cellar. She caught him very off guard–both with her presence and her comment about leaving the blood on him–that he couldn't quite process it fast enough to respond before she was walking toward him and reaching up toward the splatters of blood and small bits of meat stuck to his jaw. He felt one of her unique digits brush along his jaw, making his breath catch, and suddenly making him realize he was probably staring at her like an idiot. He sputtered a bit and cleared his throat and attempted to regain some kind of composure as she stepped away to inspect the rest of the cellar.

"Oh I um... I-I don't know about all that," he insisted while trying to ignore how burning hot his face felt–and while trying keep the stupid grin off of his lips to keep himself from looking like an even bigger idiot. After spending so long with Vanille the idea of being flirted with–if that's even what this was–was still so ludicrous in his mind. Even still, he would be lying if he said he wasn't kind of enjoying the unexpected attention. "I guess saying I'm the main hunter isn't entirely wrong though," he added as he went back to cleaning himself up. "It keeps me busy and gives me a way to be helpful so... I end up hunting a lot." The filled cellar around them was probably a testament to that.

He'd have to wash himself off to really get all the blood off of him, but he had gotten the bulk of it. His hunting wasn't always this messy, but it had been a big kill with a lot of meat to process. He put the dirty rag aside and turned his attention back to Scylla. Well... at least she seemed to like it. Did he want her to like it? She was really pretty in such a unique kind of way, but the thought of trying to "make a move" still felt so foreign. "Um... Was there... Could I help you with anything?" he managed to ask, inwardly cringing at himself tripping over his own words.

"Arcturus Indarra"