
What Lurks in the Shadows?


The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

Extra large
06-29-2024, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2024, 12:43 PM by Ravana. Edited 1 time in total.)

Finally free to explore, Ravana was beside herself with glee. Her bright purple eyes drank in every detail of the world around her, darting from one fascinating sight to another. She had taken to skulking about, her keen nose leading her to the strange, decaying plants scattered across the landscape. Each new discovery thrilled her, feeding her insatiable curiosity.

Occasionally, she stumbled upon a small critter the ravens had left behind, its lifeless form lying amidst the dead foliage. While another pup might have recoiled in disgust, Ravana was different. She poked at the carcass with unabashed fascination, her sharp eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and delight. She grabbed it with her jaws, tossing it into the air and catching it, treating it like a ragdoll – a morbid toy in her playful, yet sinister, games. But she was a mere pup, so what true malice was there to be had in her actions? None.

Ravana had been following Sericea's scent trail through the dimming light of Polar Sound, her curiosity piqued by the unusual path her sister had taken. The dark brown and caramel girl moved with an almost feverish energy, her sharp amethyst eyes scanning the landscape for any sign of her sibling. The scent of Sericea’s stress hung in the air, mingling with the cold bite of winter, intriguing Ravana’s senses. What was going on with her dear sister?

As she neared the towering slate cliffs, she finally spotted Sericea, her sister’s pale green eyes darting nervously from side to side. Ravana felt a twisted thrill at Sericea’s visible anxiety, a smirk curling at the edges of her lips. The tension in the air was almost palpable, feeding her wild excitement. She stalked closer, her movements deliberate and predatory, savoring the moment before revealing herself. Though these urges were not ones she could label, she simply felt them.

Just as Ravana was about to call out, a sudden flash of movement in the shadows caught her eye. Her smirk vanished, replaced by a fierce snarl. Something was out there, lurking, watching them. She didn’t like that.

“Seri! Run!” Ravana’s voice cut through the biting winter air with a sharp, commanding bark. She lunged forward, her body a blur of dark fur and youthful energy as she positioned herself protectively in front of Sericea. Her fur bristled, and her eyes gleamed with a mix of madness and determination. Baring her growing dagger teeth, she growled menacingly at the unseen threat, her ears flicking back and forth to catch any sound. Like a cornered wolverine.

A wild intensity flashing in her gaze. Her tail flicked as she ushered her sister away, to heed her words. Ravana was not scared like her, afterall.

Ravana remained for a moment, her eyes locked on the shadows. Her little muscles were taut, ready to spring into action. The rustling in the underbrush grew louder, but she stood her ground, a low, guttural puppy growl emanating from within her chest. Her fur stood on end, and her lips curled back to reveal sharp, gleaming fangs.

“Who is it?” She muttered under her breath, a deranged glint in her eye. “Show yourself.”

After what felt like an eternity, the rustling stopped, and the eerie silence of the night returned. Ravana’s breath came in sharp, uneven gasps, her heart pounding with adrenaline. She took a step back, her eyes still scanning the shadows, before finally turning to follow Sericea’s trail.

She found her sister a short distance away, panting heavily but safe. Ravana’s fierce expression softened slightly, though the wild glint never fully left her eyes. She nuzzled Sericea briefly, a display of affection tinged with an almost manic intensity. She didn’t want her sister to be taken away, not like the critters had been taken by the ravens and left to rot.
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