My what big tusks you have
Fia, Kintsugi, Daemon
06-29-2024, 12:04 PM
Kintsugi was by his side as soon as the walrus rounded on them, its angry wail piercing the quiet winter air. Both pups were all fangs bared and growls resonating. They were Mendaciums and this was their world; they wouldn't back down from an ornery old walrus! The crimson and violet pup scrabbled back to his paws and got back into the fight while Deimos went for the walrus with his giant bear paws swinging wildly at its face and chest. Aunt Fia was getting in on the fight too, trying to grapple with the blubbery beast, but to no avail. That gave Daemon an idea.
Bright blue eyes following the walrus' massive body down to its less fleshy, vulnerable flippers, the pup grinned with wicked intent and charged forward into the fray again. Leave it to a pup to believe themselves invincible, and leave it to Daemon to be a problem. While the walrus was distracted, Daemon ran up and bit down on its flipper, his tiny needle-like puppy teeth sinking easier into the thin, less thickened skin there. He might not have been doing much for the fight, but he was a part of it nonetheless.