
Still Biting



10 Years
12-13-2013, 12:30 AM

The directions the large male gave her stuck in her mind. Odette watched and listened with ears perked for the advice she had looked for. Her gaze was steady and she took in all the details of what he was telling her. Both physically and verbally, she was ready and slowly, Odette gave a firm nod. "Okay..." she said softly, wanting to make sure she did everything right. Her form changed then, from being relaxed after her show, to the stance her mentor was showing.
Odette looked back out to the invisible enemy and she began to growl. It wasn't a full grown-up growl, but for her age, it was appropriate for someone who was pissed off. Her eyes scrunched, fur raised on all hackles, toes began to expand across the ground, and her legs moved out to where she was firmly standing. She began to walk towards and then around in the same semi-circle, her tail stretching out to give her balance and she pulled her head back and down to angle at the ground. The rolls of her neck became obvious with the movement and she showed the scrunched up neck fat that was growing. Ears flattened and she remained focused on the enemy before coming at a right angle with her upper lip curled and teeth bared.
The invisible wolf came at her hind right leg, looking to potentially bite the hinge joint of her knee. She turned to avoid it and bit at the enemy's scruff, latching on with her head still low and protecting her throat. Grumbles escaped through clenched teeth and she started to pull back with a firm grip on the wolf's scruff. Her tail was straight out and her body remained low as she side-stepped to her left and kept her legs even for her stance to keep itself aligned and secure. She imagined the enemy wolf attempting to thrash and bite at her own face, so she attempted to fling the invisible canine to the ground in front of her. Immediately, she raced towards the fallen body and aimed for its throat, silencing the life that had been there.
Looking up, she flicked her tail after relaxing her stance and padded towards the tall Armada. Odette stood next to him again and said, "I know my enemy won't be as easily swayed, but, was that better?"

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