
Night Stalker




Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

1 Year
07-01-2024, 12:13 AM
As well planned as she thought her ambush was, she clearly had misstepped or missed something in her approach because just as soon as she was midair and unable to stop herself, Daemon flipped around so that his similarly leonine paws were facing up toward her. Immediately she knew she was done for and there was no stopping falling onto his paws and being kicked back up and off of him. His paws kicked into her midsection to launch her off of him, pulling a ooof from her as it knocked the air out of her a bit as she was thrown and sent tumbling head over heels. She landed pretty hard so it took her a good moment to get back to her paws so she could shake off worst of the mud that was now stuck to parts of her back and shoulders. Ugh, now she was going to have to figure out how to either take a bath before she went home or come up with a story for how she ended up muddy!

She turned back toward Daemon with an annoyed scowl, glaring daggers at him as he stalked toward her with a comment about how she sucked at sneaking up on people... and calling her Fluffbutt?! She scoffed at the absolute audacity he had and was already winding up another attack before he even challenged her with a comment on his hope that she could run better than she could pounce. Oh he thought she was going to run?! Ha! That was rich. "Yeah right!" she said before she leapt toward him again, too irritated and too eager to get back at him for ruining her revenge to really think through a good plan of attack. She reached up around his neck as she tried to use her momentum to knock him off of his paws, but instead his heavier build was like bouncing into a wall and before she could reorient herself to do anything else he suddenly had her back down on the ground, pinning her down into the mud. She blinked up at him as she realized that she was right back in the position that she had landed in the first time he ambushed her and with a huff she scowled up at him. "Let me up!" she insisted angrily, reaching up to bap and slap at his ears and cheeks with her large, fluffy paws.

WC: 405
Total: 1600 / 1500

"Kintsugi Mendacium"