
My what big tusks you have

Fia, Kintsugi, Daemon



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-01-2024, 12:53 AM
Just as he was dodging the retaliating walrus, he saw Fia running in from the side and noticed how her claws had hardly damaged the animal when she aimed for a spot where the blubber was thicker. It was something that he had assumed would be true, but it was still a surprise to see just how much the thick layer of skin and fat protected it. Regardless, he felt like they were making themselves a nuisance which he could just hope would be enough to make it go back into the ocean and find another beach to loiter on. But, of course, before he could continue doing that he saw a bit of movement out of the corner of his eye and glanced down just in time to see Daemon running at the walrus' flipper with Darika shortly behind him. "Kids! Don't-"

But before he could even finish his scolding both of the pups had chomped down on the walrus' flipper. Even though he was furious that they kept putting themselves in danger and wished that they would just stay out of the fight, a little part of him was proud of them for the ingenuity and thought to go for a part of their opponent that they could actually do damage on. However, that pride quickly went away as the annoyed and furious walrus roared and lifted its big flipper, dragging the pups up with the movement. It swung the flipper in a hard flicking motion, tossing both of the pups off and tossing them down along the shore line, both of them tumbling across the sandy, rocky beach.

He'd need to go check on them, but first he refocused on the walrus with a deep snarl, snapping at the walrus' snout neck, pushing it back toward the water and refusing to back off with each inch of ground he gained. Between his own efforts and Fiametta's help eventually they would get the Walrus to turn back, and he growled at the edge of the cold water long enough to make sure it wouldn't come back onto the beach as soon as they turned away.

"Deimos Mendacium"