
It always seems more quiet in the dark

Triss ♡


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
07-01-2024, 02:37 AM
Settling into Hellborn had been a challenge for Stolas in some ways, and easier in others. He felt out of place amongst the other wolves, who clearly already knew one another. Many had come from Insomnia where Widow had apparently wound up after they'd been separated, and it left the reserved brute on the outside of the group. Even Widow had taken new husbands to occupy her time with, and while this hadn't been unexpected given the frankly earnest conversation she'd had with him beforehand, it did leave the fallen prince on his own more often than not. That was fine for the most part; after being spurned by love twice now and losing his entire family, he no longer felt compelled to seek companionship. All he needed was his books and the stars. This allowed Stolas the time and space to focus on his studies uninterrupted.

Stolas had forsaken the traditional dens and opted instead to have a treehouse of sorts built in the canopies of the woods by some of Auster's massive primates. It was little more than a series of crude wooden platforms high in the tree branches, some covered and some left open to see the heavens above, but it suited his needs. A ramp led up to the platforms, and voila; Stolas had a functional observatory. Not quite the same as the one he had back in Ashen, but it would suffice. Taking advantage of the late summer weather, Stolas had set up for another evening of stargazing and astronomy, a couple furs spread out on his observation deck so he could be cozy while he studied the stars. His grimoire was out and a small pot of chamomile and honey tea sat beside him.

Thumbing through the pages until he arrived at the date for this evening's sky, Stolas breathed a soft sigh and poured himself a cup of tea. Twilight had just faded and night was taking hold over the southern continent. Stars were just starting to become readily visible to the naked eye. Soon he could begin. Gods, what he wouldn't give to get his telescope and charts back from the old Ashen palace...
