
Spineless Fishing

Bonus Seasonal Y21/Azrael



Beginner Healer (0)

Master Hunter (240)

3 Years
07-01-2024, 07:34 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2024, 07:35 PM by Melanth. Edited 1 time in total.)
Time ticked pass as she watched the waves lick at the sandy shores. The rain which soon fell from the grey canvas above rippled the water’s surface. Creating a beautiful display of circular shapes. Which would expand out and expand to only disappear shortly after.

On and on this went until the sound of paws turned a single ear. Melanth could feel Helonia arouse from her slumber to peek out through their blood eyes. The larger male sauntered down to where they sat in wait. His strut one she found enticing. He always carried himself with confidence. As if the world meant nothing to him; yet, owed him everything. It was what coaxed her from sitting. Tail wagging lightly at her thighs. Feeling the pool of yearning clutch her stomach muscles. Only to settle between toned legs. Ones that were once wrapped around his waist with every…

Melanth snapped from the memory. Another scent overshadowing what should have been a joyous moment. Hel snarled low in their throat. Though, it wasn’t one of menace intent. But slight interest of what, or rather who she was. "Greetings, Azrael." She spoke with a softness to her voice. Providing the two of them a smile of welcoming. While ignoring the behaviors of Helonia.

Azrael soon took the lead on what was to take place today. Watching with intent on what to do and how to do it. The entire ordeal looked easy enough. Especially since the wintery beauty followed his exact instructions and came out victorious. Mela didn’t hesitate to do the same. Her paws stepped with precaution. Closing in on the tides to then slide then along the emerged coast. With the water being so clear, it wasn’t much to see where she was going. It only became apparent to the dangers when what he described came to light. Quills rose from what looked like a rock. The warning apparent, loud and clear.

She acted swiftly. Stabbing the knife directly into the middle of the fish. The blade sliding through to pin it down. When the aftermath stilled its movements, Mela brought it back to the surface where the others lie. Her own satchel already laying out next to Azrael’s to collect a few of the stonefish for herself. Before heading back out to the waters for more.

