
Cress In Wonderland


The Syndicate

Novice Intellectual (20)

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07-02-2024, 06:44 AM
Spring’s canvas displayed a variety of paints. Their different shades splattered the dark sky. Leaving behind a remarkable contrast of colorations. Amongst them, each sparkling white dot shown brightly. To give off a profound impression of life. It was what always drew Cressida away from the confines of her siblings. Their warm bodies bundled together beneath the softness of their mother’s embrace.

She found herself pulled towards it. Gravitating to the wide mouth of their den to settle just outside of the gapped entrance. Those unmatched eyes of hers capturing every moment that presented itself. Lost in a world that was only meant for her and hers alone.

Ears would find themselves moving about to every single sound. There was absolutely nothing she did not catch. Nightly calls of wide eyed birds from high in the towering trees. Rustling leaves from distant branches danced in the cool breeze. The flutter of something or even the shuffle of a creature on the melting white blanket. It didn’t matter to her because this had became her sanctuary. A moments time to be alone.

Cressida could hear the soft slumbers from those behind her. Gaze every so often shifting to check that none had awaken to disturb her peace. Not like she didn’t care for the comforts and presence of her beloved siblings. It just wasn’t always preferred in situations such as these.

With a subtle scratch to her left ear, she pressed on a bit more. Away from home and began to wander to a nearby tree. At the base lay a hollowed out opening. Her nose easily scenting out and investigating to ensure it was indeed empty; before, slowly descending into the welcomed darkness.

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1. Cress In Wonderland The Polar Sound 06:44 AM, 07-02-2024 02:32 PM, 10-02-2024