
self explosive

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
12-13-2013, 10:03 AM

The arrival of the female did not go unnoticed, but he found himself growing anxious at the scents that impinged on his being. It had been so long since he had been in a pack -- since he was merely a pup -- and he found it overwhelming. The threat of being found was all too real, despite his quiet vocal cords and his carefully placed paw steps. The earth here was stained with blood, and he examined the land as he crept forth. He could not hide if he was found, and he was not sure if this land knew of his parents. His surname wasn't exactly a thing he could shield himself with, but something he knew would condemn him someday. It would be the death of him, and that was something he was certain of.

As the female's scent grew more pungent, he would cease his gradually slowing approach forward, coming to a slow halt. His form would heave as he braced himself, unsure of what to expect. Always expect the unknown -- he would always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. The slow crunch of his paws against the snow would grow silent as he shifted where he stood, straightening his back and letting his tail hang limply behind his, which was nothing short of massive. He was not quite as tall as either of his parents, but oh so close.

What he didn't expect was the girl to pounce -- and for a long moment, he didn't even know if it was the one he had met so many months ago by the sea. First there were snarls and other sounds of warning, and then he felt a pressure against his right side, colliding with him. His instinct was to thrash whoever it was that dare lay a paw on him, and his lips curled back into a threatening snarl, a growl bubbling up from within his chest and spilling from his hateful lips. He faltered only slightly, but quickly regained his composure, whipping around to face her. For a moment he watched, bearing his teeth but growing silent. "Are you a fucking idiot?" he would question her coldly, obviously a bit shaken, but more so angry. But his rage would subside, his moods as fluid as the ocean's tide, fluctuating with little warning. He was clearly the son of Kaios and Newt. The rage he felt, the need for violence, the burning desire to be in control while feeling so utterly helpless at the same time... he had his parents to thank for his shortcomings. "Odette." He would speak her name like a prayer, letting it spill quietly from his parted jaws, wanting no one but her to hear. Tasting it to see if it tasted as sweet as he expected it to. And a smirk would appear on his features then, his tail flicking once behind him. "What are you doing here?"