
Damaged Oddity



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (110)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf
07-02-2024, 12:26 PM

After Sultan dismissed him, Xairo began the slow trip to return back to the den he shared with his siblings and adoptive parents. The snow was melting, but the patches that were left, he marred with the blood leaking from his weeping lacerations left from his trial with the badger. He had been successful- it was the one who had abandoned their fight. But of course, it wasn’t a sense of accomplishment he felt. He didn’t feel anything at all really. Just numb.

His paws, heavy with exhaustion, traced the familiar path. Each labored breath echoed in his ears as frosty air scorched his lungs. The scent of pine and damp earth filled his nostrils - a monotonous reminder of home. He cast glances at the towering cliffs surrounding Polar Sound. Their towering, ominous presence seemed to mock him. He was but a small speck in this vast valley- What would have happened if he hadn’t won?

As he limped towards the den, a familiar scent hit him - one that was warm, comforting and yet tinged with anxiety. Absinth. His mother. His heart pounded in his chest as he considered the look on her face when she would see his injuries. He cringed, fear of inadequacy echoing like a thunderous roar in his ears. He could not be seen as weak, even if his body was screaming otherwise.

Xairo lunged for the cover of a mostly bare shrub, instinctively licking at the raw gashes on his flank in an attempt to clean them. His tongue stung against the deep wounds, a sharp reminder of the brutal encounter. Each lick was a grimace-inducing bite of pain, but he gritted his teeth and continued. He had to show strength; he had to disguise his weakness.

"Xairo Saxe"

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1. Damaged Oddity The Polar Sound 11:23 AM, 07-02-2024 03:56 PM, 07-04-2024