
Sticky situation




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
07-02-2024, 12:56 PM

Wynter walked away from the gorge laughing and grinning proudly at how she and Wylan had out smarted the angry moose. In truth, that had been way more fun than any exploration or walk they could have had otherwise. Normally she didn't like when her plans were disrupted, but this time she'd happily take this exception. They were heading back to the Armada, chatting and enjoying their time together, when Wylan seemed to notice something on the air which made her pause and take notice as well. A polar bear. She had never tangled with one herself, but their presence in the north was something none of them could ignore so she was very aware of their scent.

Wylan had just begun to make the suggestion that they go around, which Wynter was ready to agree with, but before either of them could adjust their course the large white bear came out of the trees in front of them. She was immediately on high alert and trying to think of a plan, but then they hit another snag in the form of Wylan's paw sinking right into a hole and getting lodged in the dirt. "Dang it!" she muttered under her breath as she immediately rushed to try and help him get it free, but the bear saw clearly saw this as an opportunity to ambush them both and it started charging forward. Without much other choice, she abandoned trying to get Wylan's leg free and instead ran forward to met the polar bear head on, snapping her jaws onto its front leg and biting down as hard as she could manage. It roared as her teeth cut into skin, but it was strong enough to toss her off with a hard fling of its leg. She got tossed a couple feet and hit the ground, but she quickly recovered and got back to her paws, squaring off with the bear with a growling snarl. If she could just buy enough time for Wylan to get his paw free...

"Wynter Carpathius"

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1. Sticky situation The Red Forest 12:41 PM, 07-02-2024 03:08 PM, 07-18-2024