
More than just a pretty face

Seasonal / Kai ♡


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-02-2024, 07:18 PM

Rogue was still riding the high of adrenaline and triumph when he rejoined Kaino on their bed, falling happily into her reaching arms as he settling in to snuggle up with his lovely lavender lady once more. She had seemed positively dazzled watching him in combat and getting to show off had done a wonder for Rogue’s ego. He flashed Kai a charming smile while she drew him down to her, relishing in her comforting embrace and the rush of feeling like her hero. He'd shown her that he could fight too and was more than just a pretty face and a good fuck. Why was he showing off for her? Eh, maybe he just liked looking good for his lady. Plus she'd shown off how good in a fight she was and he felt like he should at least be able to match her prowess if he wanted to be with her.

Kai readjusted her position beside him and brought his injured foreleg closer to her, her soft tongue gently cleaning at the bites on his leg. They weren't so bad and likely wouldn't even leave a scar, but they did sting like a motherfucker. He winced at the first contact against the rent flesh, but settled quickly again, watching her with an affectionate and somewhat protective smile. He had started to feel a bit possessive over Kaino Saxe; not in the sense of wanting to control her, but in the sense that he wanted her to be his. His lover, his girlfriend, his partner. Rogue thought back to all the times his sire had told him and his siblings that he just knew their mother was the fae he wanted and silently wondered if this was how he had felt back then. Wanting to be with someone, to hold them, to kiss them, to protect them and possess them. Kai brought out feelings and urges of masculinity and dominance in him that he hadn't felt before her, but she also made him feel like someone worth being possessed too when she lay her claim to him in turn.

Kaino asked how she could ever repay him and Rogue shot her a playful grin, the lecherous undertones and gleam in his sunset amethyst eyes unmistakable. The languid lick of her tongue over his injury was both erotic and painful, but in a good way, a way that made Rogue quiver gently beside her. "Well, your champion certainly wouldn't say no to a kiss from his fair lady," he teased her with his own purring baritone vocals. He leaned in closer and nipped at her closest ear before whispering against the soft appendage to add, "I'll let you pick where you kiss me though." Rogue flashed her a wolfish grin and husky chuckle while his uninjured paw lifted to rest on Kai's side, beginning a leisurely circuit of running his digits through her soft fur from shoulder to hip, stroking over her slender side. Kaino was a beautiful wolf, and Rogue's love language was absolutely physical touch, which he lavished her with every chance he got.

"What's it like being you, Kai?" he asked, gazing thoughtfully into her mint-ice eyes. "I wanna know everything about you. Your favorite color, your favorite food, your favorite smells. Places you like to go, things you like to do... I wanna know you." While perhaps a bit broad, Rogue wanted to open the conversation for them to learn more about each other. He wanted to know everything about Kaino Saxe. Who she was, where she came from, where she wanted to go in life. Was she a wake up early or stay up late kind of wolf? Did she have siblings? Did she want kids? Everything. And Rogue was ready to put in the time to learn her head to tail, and every inch in between.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.