
Leave behind your heart and cast away

feat. Nami



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Beginner Hunter (10)

2 Years
07-02-2024, 04:20 PM

Blackfoot listened in the way she did, not interrupting and showing some mild interest. Hearing the way others grew up vastly different from herself was interesting, in a way. How many different places there were to be born. How it was just chance that they ended up where they did.

She just wished her upbringing hadn't been so shit... but there was no real point in lamenting over it. She was dealt a shit paw in life, and she just made the most of it.

"From somewhere now?" As if it wasn't obvious enough with her scent, but she was curious where that home was. If she wanted to share, anyway. If she didn't, Blackfoot wouldn't press. It was really none of her business in the grand scheme of things.

Although... there was a question that could potentially be her business and she asked it after a brief heartbeat. She was taking opinions on what others thought of loner vs pack life. Weight pros and cons. "Like being from somewhere better?" She never had any frame of reference so had no idea what it was really like in a pack.

Only that that gnawing feeling of loneliness that she tried to push down might be fulfilled.

Smiling wasn't really her thing, but the neutral expression wasn't unfriendly as she peered back at the other woman. Then, she looked at the falls. She looked closely at it and then after several moments thought she could see the flash of scales in the sunlight. To which she gave a small "ah" of understanding. "Always need good food spots." For obvious reasons. Plus, the food being around water was a great plus.


Death inspires me
like a dog inspires a rabbit

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