
Quick-Pull Trigger



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-02-2024, 05:26 PM

Lost in a peaceful slumber, Azrael had been in a dreamless state of deep sleep, tucked up all snug and sound in his nice big plush bed, happy and warm with Mireia draped across him in their post-coital rest. Spent and satisfied, the Saxe brute would want for nothing, content as could be. So when the frenzied howling and screaming from across the channel broke the stillness of the night, it was a rather rude awakening. Bleary sage eyes snapped open, the haziness of sleep unkindly broken and leaving him feeling groggy while he tried to get his bearings and suss out what the fuck was going on. He grunted and grumbled as he slid Mireia off of his body and rolled to his paws, stumbling out of bed. "Go back to sleep. I'll be back," he mumbled under his breath to his Sidi, grabbing his satchel and a couple of injectors from his shelves before heading out into the cool early spring night in the direction of the screaming.

Crossing the channel to mainland Boreas, Azrael glowered and simmered with barely contained frustration. He recognized Vanille's voice howling in the night clear as day. So what was wrong with the diminutive Sidi fae now? Getting closer to her den was like getting right up next to a wailing emergency siren, her cacophonous howls grating on his nerves. She'd disturbed a very nice sleep. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he shouted at her as he stormed into her den, not stopping his strides until he had cornered her in her bed. Eyes and brain working to figure out why she sounded like she was being murdered. "Stop screaming and tell me so I can fix it."

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.