
Dance with the devil

Alaric vs Atreyu for dominance


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
07-02-2024, 07:30 PM
Alaric's attack had been successful. He felt the pressure of meat between his maws and fur in between his fangs. That was, until Atreyu decided to kick her hind leg and make him break his hold. He spat out the fur in his maws and narrowly avoided the kick of the hind leg. Atreyu's hind claws at barely scratched the side of his muzzle, little small droplets of blood to form. He was done playing around. Alaric would open his maws and attempt to crush them down upon the Achilles tendon of the woman. He wanted to immobilize her. Not permanently but enough to make walking painful for a few days if not weeks to come.

Maul would back away as he saw the blade swiping for his face. He let out a small let as the blade slice down his cheek and left a semi deep gash. Blood poured from the wound and the cane corsos snarled defiantly. Maul would open his maws again and aim for the lower part of the woman's scruff, where the collar had not covered. He was attempting to latch onto the area and maul it severely.

Cinder was ready for the little dog this time. Bigs was coming straight for his maws and he would wait til the little one was close enough to almost grab a chunk of his lips before Cinder opened his grey maws. The slate cane corso would then attempt to scoop the little dog up by the neck, his much more massive maws open to securely reach it if possible.

Alaric vs Atreyu for dominance
Round 2/3
Age: Over one year
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: Cane Corso, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Cane Corso, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: none

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1. Dance with the devil The Boneyard 12:44 PM, 06-28-2024 11:14 AM, 07-25-2024