
Grape Vine


03-11-2013, 04:36 PM

His thoughts were broken at that moment by the quiet words of a small femme. He smiled almost shyly, attempting to cover the savage thoughts that had just moments before disturbed his usually calm demeanor. "It is indeed." He uttered, his voice cracking ever so slightly as his eyes trailed over her body. No! He was supposed to be better than this now! He wasn't supposed to go chasing after the first doe with a raised tail. There were steps now, arrangements had to be made, he couldn't afford to be punished by higher authority for something as stupid as a one time fling. But what if it didn't have to end so abruptly? What if he could, instead of making her a one time affair, attempt to make her something more?

He soared down from the rock and into the soft grass, padding toward her slowly. "It is good to speak with you Loccian." He said with a charming smile, his tail raised at half mask, wagging briskly in familiar greeting. "What brings you so far from the pack?" He inquired, his head tilted ever so slightly as he asked. He looked her over, much slower this time, taking her in, every detail from the last scratch on her legs to the cold blue gray of her eyes. She would make a worthy mate for him. Someone he felt he would not stray from.
